Network Research Program on Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati (Natural Farming) through Biotechnology Interventions
Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission is a nodal agency under the aegis of Department of Science & Technology for facilitating the development of Biotechnology in the State. GSBTM is providing financial assistance to Academia and Research institutions under
Research Support Scheme to undertake research on the problems relevant to the State and their solutions through biotechnology interventions, leading to product, process or prototype development.
A new Network Research Program under GSBTM, DST Research Support Scheme is being visualized to address the challenges related to Agriculture as “Network Research Program on Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati (Natural Farming) through Biotechnology Interventions”.
Proposals are invited from the researchers in the State working in the field on Biotechnology interventions for Natural Farming.
Program Objectives:
- Biotechnology based research and evaluation of various forms of Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati including Climate Resilient Zero Budget Natural Farming, Rishi Krishi, Panchagavya Krishi, Natueco farming and Homa farming through biotechnology interventions.
- Microbial and metagenomics studies on various Natural Farming Input preparations including Beejamrit, Dravajivamrit, Ghanajivamrit, Neemastra, Agniastra, Bhramastra, Dashaparni Ark (Kashayas), Panchagavya, Dravanas, Saptdhanyankur Ark, Chhasamrit, Gau Krupa
Amrutam and Kunapajala.
- Metabolomic studies on various natural farming input preparations used as growth promoters, pesticides and fungicides
- Developing microbial repository of organisms from various Natural Farming Input preparations
- Studies on Azolla, Azospirillium, Free living nitrogen fixers, Phosphate solubilizers, Potassium solubilizers with various Natural Farming inputs
- Ecogenomic studies for soil microbial interaction, biotic and abiotic stress and improving the soil health
- Studies on use of aeroponics, hydroponics and aquaponics and other integrated farming practices with Natural Farming Inputs
- Seed banking of Indigenous varieties
- Molecular characterization of Indigenous varieties
- DNA barcoding and metabarcoding studies of beneficial organisms and pathogens
- Gut Microbiome studies on various Native breed cows, Holstein Friesian cows and buffalo breeds for their potential use in Natural Farming
- Biotechnology based validation of Vedic and Ethnobotanical Formulations for addressing veterinary diseases and improving milk yield
- Biotechnology interventions for Pre-Monsoon Dry Sowing, Achhadana, Navadhanya, Dry and Green biomass mulching and Panchstariya cropping patterns
- Studies on agroclimatic, zone specific and crop specific Natural Farming practices
- To partner in National and International research programs and calls on Natural Farming
- To organize workshops, trainings, awareness generation programs and development of digital Repository on Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati
- Designing future strategies, technology packages, developing natural farming input products with the use of automation and sustainable tools
- The Research Fellows under this program will work with academic institutions in collaboration with Natural Farming groups, organizations, associations and / or farmers
Concept note on Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati (Natural
Farming) through Biotechnology Interventions
Advertisement: Call for Proposals on Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati
(Natural Farming) through Biotechnology Interventions
Click here to download “Proposal submission template” for Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi
Paddhati (Natural Farming) through Biotechnology Interventions"