Network Research Program on Bioremediation of Pollutants: A Circular Bioeconomy Approach
Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission is a nodal agency under the aegis of Department of Science & Technology for facilitating the development of Biotechnology in the State. GSBTM is providing financial assistance to Academia and Research institutions under
Research Support Scheme to undertake research on the problems relevant to the State.
A new Network Research Program under GSBTM, DST, Research Support Scheme is being visualized to address the challenges related to environmental waste using bioremediation as “Network Research Program on Bioremediation of Pollutants: A Circular Bioeconomy
Approach”. Proposals are invited from the researchers in the State working in the field of Bioremediation at different technology readiness level.
Program Objectives:
TRL1 - TRL3 (Basic research to feasibility of technology)
Development of aerobic, anaerobic, and co-metabolic bioremediation technologies
- Development of circular bioeconomy approaches for bioremediation of pollutants including electronic waste, biomedical waste and microplastics
- Studies on sentinel species for biomonitoring and bioremediation of chemical pollution
- Biosensors for environmental monitoring
- Omics approaches in the risk assessment of pollutants and identifying beneficial components for One Health
- One Health approaches for identifying hazards of chemical mixtures with putative molecular key events, gene and metabolite networks and targets of toxicity across species
- Bio-nanomaterials, polymers, waste-derived materials, Graphene, metal organic frameworks (MOFs), covalent organic frameworks (COFs), layered double hydroxides (LDHs) and minerals for remediation of contaminated soil, water and air
TRL4 - TRL5 (Technology development with scale/advancement of technology)
- Development of circular bioeconomy approaches for bioremediation of pollutants including dyes, dye stuffs, pharmaceuticals, textile effluents, heavy metals, pesticides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons
- In-situ sewage treatment technologies, treatment packages and microbial dosing for river front discharge points and river ecosystems through bio-augmentation, eco-bio blocks and biomimicry principles
- Bioremediation of agricultural soils for food safety and sustainability
- Bioremediation technologies for mining areas and acid mine drainages
- Bioremediation for soil salinity amelioration
- Membrane bioreactors for industrial wastewater
TRL6 - TRL7 (Technology demonstration)
- Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Wells, Refineries, Ship Breaking Yards)
- Biomethanation technologies for Municipal solid waste, Agro-processing waste, Distillery industry waste, Aquaculture Industry waste, Dairy waste, APMCs and vegetable markets
- Enzyme technologies for bioremediation
Partnership with National Institutes working in the field of Bioremediation
- Proposals having collaborative research program with National Institutes working on Bioremediation technologies will be given the preference.
- Research support is proposed to be provided in 70:30 ratio (70% funding to State Institute and 30% funding to collaborating National Institute).
Click here to download “Advertisement call for proposals on Network Research Program on Bioremediation of Pollutants A Circular Bioeconomy Approach"
Click here to download “Concept paper on Bioremediation
of Pollutants"