Industrial Biotech Training Programme
The Industrial Biotech Training Programme (IBTP) is a flagship initiative by the Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM), under the Department of Science & Technology, Government of Gujarat. The primary objective of this program is to offer valuable
training opportunities to individuals who have completed post-graduation but are currently unemployed.
Eligibility: Candidates should possess M.Sc. or M. Tech. degrees in biotech and allied areas.
Duration of Training: 6-months
Stipend: 10,000/- month

Interested Biotech company and start-up can show their interest by sending scanned copy of EoI(Expression of Interest) form to ibtpdst@gmail.comDownload
Application is through online form, and a screening test is conducted to select candidates for a personal interview round with company representatives.
Click here for Guidelines
Coordinator:- Dr Anasuya Bhadalkar, Joint Director, Human Resource development cells
Email: jdhrdbtm[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Nodal Officer IBTP:- Dr. Daxa Sakhiya, Manager
Email: ibtpdst[at]gmail[dot]com, mnbtm3[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in