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Network Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs & One Health

Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission is a nodal agency under the aegis of Department of Science & Technology for facilitating the development of Biotechnology in the State. GSBTM is providing financial assistance to Academia and Research institutions under Research Support Scheme to undertake research on the problems relevant to the State and their solutions through biotechnology interventions, leading to product, process or prototype development.

A new program is being visualized to address the challenges related to Antimicrobial Resistance as “Network Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs & One Health”. Proposals are invited from the researchers in the State working in the field on Antimicrobial Resistance and One Health focusing on Human Health, Veterinary, Poultry, Fisheries, Wildlife, Food and Environment.


  • The program will be implemented in a hub-spoke model, where Gujarat Biotechnology Research Centre (GBRC) will act as Hub or central node for the purpose of coordination. Access will be provided to the shared lab facilities of GBRC including Genome Sequencing and Bioinformatics Facilities to all the nodes.


  • To establish surveillance labs for AMR in humans, animals, food, and environment in academia, research institutes and hospitals
  • To identify and screen priority pathogens and initiate biobanking of reference strains and novel strains
  • To study transmission dynamics of pathogens in medical setup and environments using one health approach
  • To initiate genome sequencing, molecular studies for identification and characterization of drug-resistant pathogens
  • To develop panel of genes responsible for AMR in various categories such as humans, poultry, cattle, fisheries, wildlife, food and environment
  • To develop low-cost diagnostic kits for rapid detection
  • To develop technologies for infection prevention and removal of antimicrobials from environment
  • To initiate drug repurposing studies to combat AMR using Bioinformatics tools for alternative lead molecules
  • To develop a database and information portal for AMR in Gujarat
  • To organize workshops, trainings and awareness generation programs for microbial identification, antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST), surveillance, transmission dynamics, epidemiology, bioinformatics, data harmonization and visualization, social sciences and medical audits
  • To partner in National and International AMR research programs and calls
  • To develop State Action Plan on AMR in collaboration with lien departments

   Research Conclave on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs and One Health, 8th - 9th July 2024  

   Key Benefits to Fisheries Sector & Society  

   Key Benefits to Society & Animal Health  

   Key Benefits to Society & Environment Health  


  • Brainstorming Session on “Network Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs & One Health”

    A Brainstorming Session on “Network Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs & One Health” was organized by GSBTM on 09/09/2021 at Committee Room, Department of Science & Technology, Block-7, 5th Floor, New Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. The session was chaired by Ms. Gargi Jain, IAS, Mission Director GSBTM, Deputy Secretary (BT), DST and included multi-sectoral participation. The stakeholder institutions from Human Health, Veterinary, Fisheries, Poultry, Environment, Pollution Control sectors and private players form Pathology Laboratories participated in the session. Nominated experts from each sector gave a brief presentation on activities on AMR research in their respective institutions / laboratories and provided inputs on the structure of network program. Representatives from Lien Departments were also participated in the discussions.

  • Virtual proposal formulation meet for “Network Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs & One Health”

    Virtual proposal formulation meet was organized on 02/11/2021 by GSBTM. Large numbers of participants from different sectors participated in the event and Lien department gave necessary guidance to the research fraternity for submitting research proposals under special call on “Network Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs & One Health”.

  • National meet on “Network Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs & One Health”

    GSBTM had organized a “National Meet on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs and One Health” on 22/11/ 2021 at The Leela, Gandhinagar. Experts invited from National agencies such as NCDC, NIAB and C-CAMP and International Agencies such as WHO India Office, CDC India office and key members of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of GSBTM attended the meet for advising Stakeholders gathered from the State. The invited experts shared initiatives of their organizations and given the key inputs to stakeholders. During the meet, Research proposals received under special call on “AMR, Superbugs and One Health” were presented to the panel of experts from WHO (India office), CDC (India office), NCDC, GoI, key members of the TAC and chaired by Prof. Padmanabhan Balaram, Former Director, IISc & Chairman, Technical advisory committee, GSBTM. Around 80 researchers and academicians from 23 Universities, research institutions and organizations attended the meet.

  • 22nd Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
    • A meeting of Technical Advisory Committee of GSBTM was held on 22/12/2021 at GSBTM in hybrid mode. Presentations were made to the committee by Principle investigators. The Technical Advisory Committee, chaired by Prof. Padmanabhan Balaram, Former Director, IISc, recommended total 4 research projects and 1 Network Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs & One Health for support. The Network Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs & One Health was segregated into 3 consortia viz. Human health, Veterinary and Fisheries and Environment sectors consisting of 18 AMR nodes and 1 sequencing node. The total support provided for the span of 3 years by GSBTM for non-AMR projects was Rs. 2,09,50,092/- and for Network Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs & One Health was Rs. 18,39,93,600/-.

Report on National Meet on AMR Superbugs and One Health

Click here for Concept Paper : Network Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs, One Health & State Action Plan for combating AMR

Click here for Terms and Conditions of Research Support Scheme

Page last updated on: 6/1/2025

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