GIBioN: Gujarat Integrated Bio Network
In the year 1980, Microbiology Study Circle of J. & J. College of Science, Nadiad initiated a State Level Competition for Under Graduate students of the state. In 2006 the competition was adopted by GSBTM and baptised with a new name, Gujarat Integrated
Bio Network (GIBioN). The number of activities under the banner of GIBioN were increased, looking at creating new creative challenges for the under graduates students of the state. To encourage the values of Excellence and a sense of positive competition,
it was conceptualized that an Intra-College Competition be organized in various fields such as Seminar Presentation, Scientific Article Writing, Extempore Elocution on Scientific topics, and Drawing Biotech Scientoon [christened as BTtoon] amongst the students
in final and second year of graduation studying Biotechnology or/and allied subjects. The winners at these Intra-College Competitions of all colleges of Gujarat, then compete at a State-level Inter-Collegiate Competitions conducted annually at different locations
in the state. These State-level Inter-Collegiate Competitions are adjudged by senior teachers (mostly Post-graduate). The winners of the competitions are awarded medals and cash prizes and their colleges are awarded sheilds.
GIBioN aims towards generation of awareness related to Biotechnology Issues, honing the skills of students, generate enthusiasm in the students of the state pursuing pure aspects of life sciences and create an instinct of competitive excellence as also the
higher virtue of knowledge sharing, co-operation & collaboration and Networking.
The competition is organized in a rotational manner, where Under Graduate Colleges teaching Biotech and Allied areas and having infrastructure to host parallel competitions for Seminar Presentation, Scientific Article Writing, Extempore Elocution on Scientific
topics, and Drawing Biotech Scientoon [BTtoon] as also the Inaugural/Valedictory Session, file in their application to the Secretariat of GIBioN, at J & J College of Science, Nadiad, or express their interest to conduct the program to the Member Secretary,
Microbiology Study Circle, on the day of the event.
The Gujarat state intends to establish this network under the name of Post Graduate – Gujarat Integrated Bio Network (PG-GIBioN). This network will help students of PG studies of the state to come on one platform and compete in different events. The network
will include the postgraduate fraternity of biotechnology and its allied areas. Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM) will act as the nodal and funding agency. All the activities to be undertaken under PG-GIBioN shall be open for students from Gujarat
of 1st and 2nd Year of M.Sc. and M.Tech. of biotechnology and allied areas. GSBTM intends to select a co-patron, from amongst the PG Colleges and Departments of the state, like in UG-GIBioN, to execute the final programme every year.
Coordinator: Dr Anasuya Bhadalkar, Joint Director, Human Resource development cells
Email: jdhrdbtm[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Nodal Officer UG-GIBioN: Dr. Daxa Sakhiya, Manager
Email: mnbtm3[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Nodal Officer PG-GIBioN: Dr. Mitali Dabi, Manager
Email: gsbtm.sip[at]gmail[dot]com;