Building robust research and innovation ecosystem in the State
- Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM) has launched Research Support Scheme (RSS) providing financial assistance to research projects submitted by academia and research institutions.
- The mandate of the Research Support Scheme is to be build robust research and innovation ecosystem in the State by supporting research projects addressing State specific problems needing biotechnological interventions.
- Research support is provided in the priority areas identified through stakeholder consultations involving academia, research institutions and lien departments facing ground level problems, to develop solutions using the tools of biotechnology.
Proposals Are Invited To Resolve The Following Problems:
Plant Biotechnology:
- Pink bollworm infestation in crop leading to loss of productivity
- Gene editing for increasing oil ratio of omega 3 fatty acid in groundnut
- Reduction of aflatoxin residue from groundnut via Pathogen resistant variety development.
- Marker assisted selection for development of hybrids resistant for wilt and root rot in castor
- Optimization of tissue culture protocol in castor
- Use of gene technology to develop resistant cumin accessions.
- Development of resistant varieties of fennel against fungal diseases via gene editing methodologies
- Molecular breeding to develop new high yielding varieties of pulses – Chickpea and Pigeon pea
- Development of Pheromone based technologies to address pod borer problem in pulses
- Development of disease diagnostic kits/ chips for detection of infection in seeds of vegetables - Potato, Banana and Date Palm
- Tissue culture protocol development in vegetables – tomato, potato, Spine Gourd (Kankoda), bottle gourd bottleguord
- Tissue culture protocols for propagation of rose and gerbera
- Chemotype identification & DNA Barcoding of medicinal plants
- Propagation through Tissue culture of Guggal
Animal Biotechnology:
- Development of PCR based diagnostic kits for specific a) bacterial disease, b) viral disease
- Use of High-throughput genotyping for trait identification for a)milk yield, b) fat content
- Use of High-throughput genotyping for trait identification for breed Kankrej, Gir, Banni, Jafarabadi, Mehsani
- Development of monoclonal antibodies and recombinant vaccines for highest affecting diseases
- Vaccine development for various types of influenza
- Genome /metagenome sequencing of indigenous species of Gujarat for creating reference database
- Development of Virus detection kit (White spot for Shrimp/Lobster), Breed improvement in fish
Healthcare Biotechnology:
- Development of Molecular Diagnostic kit for Flu
- Development of Biomarkers and therapeutics for Oral Cancer (Male) and Breast & Ovarian cancer (Female)
- Development and Validation of Ayurvedic formulations using “Omics” tools
Environmental Biotechnology:
- Bioremediation technology for Solid waste management specially Municipality waste (Pirana)
- Bioremediation technology for Sewage treatment
- Bioremediation technology for medical waste
- Bioremediation technology for Industrial waste: Treatment for Cellulose waste
- Biocomposite and Biopolymers
Click here to download “Research Support Scheme Budget Template”
Click here to download “Research Support Scheme Proposal submission template”
Click here to download “Research Support Scheme Fellowship Revision
& Revalidation format”