Faculty Development Programs (FDP)
Faculty Development Programs (FDP) are “Training the Trainers” programs, where the faculties are oriented and given updates in the various fields of biotechnology. FDPs are advanced courses packed in a short duration, to give a compact hands-on training
and orientation to faculties. These programs are focused on imparting specific skill sets and knowledge of new or upcoming areas of biotechnology to the faculties. It is realized that education and updation of knowledge for faculties almost stops after they
start teaching. Teaching and other administrative works don’t leave a lot of time with the faculties to update their knowledge and take up newer projects. The youth recruited as faculty, are the largest work force for research and education, and hence, they
should be trained adequately, so that the state can reap the maximum benefit of this work force.
Click here to download Nomination Form
Link for Application
Coordinator: Dr Anasuya Bhadalkar, Joint Director, Human Resource development cells [HRD]
Email: jdhrdbtm@gujarat.gov.in
Nodal Officer Faculty Development Programs:Dr. Daxa Sakhiya, Manager
Email: mnbtm3@gujarat.gov.in