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BT Research

On Going Projects

Projects Sanctioned in Year 2024-25

Sr.No. Name of PI Institute Project title Broad Area Amount Sanctioned (INR) Year of Sanction
1 Dr. Jayesh Sheth Foundation for Research in Genetics Endocrinology Development and clinical validation of an affordable, high-throughput and rapid targeted smMIP based NGS newborn screening panel for India Diagnostics 8547230 2024-25
2 Dr. Amrutlal Patel Gujarat Biotechnology Research Centre Nattokinase for the prevention and therapeutic intervention of cardiovascular diseases Cardiovascular disease 9155712 2024-25
3 Dr. Surya Ramchandran Gujarat Biotechnology University Developing prognostic markers for paediatric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using DNA methylation patterns to prevent sudden cardiac death in young adults Cardiovascular disease 7188608 2024-25
4 Dr. Nitin Trivedi Gujarat Biotechnology University Gujarat Biotechnology University Exploring the potential of algal nutrients for cell growth and understanding its mechanism at a molecular level Algal technology 5765712 2024-25
5 Dr. Sapan Borah NIPER-Ahmedabad A systematic analysis of the fungal Pdr5 transporter to address antifungal resistance Antifungal Resistance 5431856 2024-25
6 Dr. Kamal Mandal Gujarat Biotechnology University Establishment of synthetic antibody engineering platform for rapid development of indigenous bispecific antibodies to debilitate zoonotic pathogens reducing their pandemic potential Antibody engineering 12557464 2024-25
7 Dr. Akhilesh Prajapati GSFC University Targeting Mitochondrial OXPOHS for Combinatorial Therapies for Overcoming Androgen Resistance in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Cancer 7992662 2024-25
8 Dr. Kumari Pritti Institute of Kidney Disease and Research Center A single-center study to delineate the genetic determinants of chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology in adults through whole exome sequencing Diagnostics 10790595 2024-25

Projects Sanctioned in Year 2023-24

Sr.No. Institute Project title Broad Area Amount Sanctioned (INR) Year of Sanction Name of PI
1 Dr. Ravi Vijayvargia The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Development of ELISA and lateral flow based high sensitivity rapid immunoassays for diagnosis and prognosis of common autoimmune diseases. Diagnostics 4852392 2023-24
2 Dr. Janki N Thakker Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT) Actinobacterial species from marine environment: As plant growth promoter and biocontrol agent Biofertilizer 4301856 2023-24
3 Dr. Vijai Singh Indrashil University Genetic manipulation of phage for controlling wound infection and sepsis caused by virulent Klebsiella pneumoniae AMR 3849856 2023-24
4 Dr. Harsh J Sheth Foundation for Research in Genetics and Endocrinology Prevalence and association of microsatellite instability and Lynch syndrome Pan-Cancer and development of a personalized cancer risk prediction tool for Lynch syndrome carriers in India Cancer 8177062 2023-24
5 Dr. Trupti Trivedi The Gujarat Cancer Research Institute Establishment and Validation of Custom Targeted Gene Panel for Diffuse Glioma Patients-A Next Generation Sequencing Approach Cancer 6626320 2023-24
6 Dr. Kashyap Thummar Gujarat Technological University Integrative analysis of Bile Acid Metabolomics, Uterine Smooth Muscle Transcriptomics, and Gut Microbiome Interactions in Uterine Fibroid Pathogenesis Diagnostics 6561856 2023-24
7 Prof. Tejal Amit Mehta Nirma University Fabrication of Anti-EGFR and Phytoconstituent loaded Mucoadhesive Electrospun Nanofiber mats for improved locoregional therapy of oral cancer Cancer 5782608 2023-24
8 Dr. Dhiraj Devidas Bhatia
Dr. Ashutosh Kumar
IIT Gandhinagar
Ahmedabad University
Co-delivery of Methotrexate and RELA siRNA using Nanoscale DNA Tetrahedrons and Folate Liposomes to Synergistically Target Synovial Macrophages in Rheumatoid Arthritis Nanotechnology 7938024 2023-24
9 Dr. Dolatsinh Balvantsinh Zala Gujarat Technological University Phage Isolation and Characterization from Gujarat State: A Strategic Approach to Building a Repository against ESKAPE Pathogens for future Biotherapy Development to Curb AMR AMR 5431856 2023-24
10 Prof. Shruti Chatterjee Institute of Science Nirma University Study on the combination therapy with antibiotics & anti‐virulent agents having synergistic effects and probable reverse selection for antibiotic resistance in Vibrio cholerae/ESKAPE pathogens AMR 5205856 2023-24
11 Dr. Heena Dave Nirma University Exploring the molecular and cellular pathways responsible for pre‐metastatic niche to organotropic metastasis in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Uncovering the Role of microRNAs Cancer 7083464 2023-24
12 Dr. Shital Panchal Institute of Pharmacy,
Nirma University
Investigation of pathogenesis and treatment for leaky gut associated cognitive decline Diagnostics 3186320 2023-24
13 Dr. Laxmipriya P. Nampoothiri The Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda
Nano‐Based delivery of Aloe derived bioactive for enhanced bioavailability in management of PCOS pathophysiology: “An in‐vivo study” Nanotechnology 5370212 2023-24
14 Dr. Aditi Buch Charotar University of Science and Technology
Engineering Escherichia coli for bioconversion of tartaric acid to hydroxycitric acid (HCA), a high‐value product Bioprocess 5431856 2023-24
15 Dr. Kailash Attur Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College & Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University Intracanal antibacterial effects Of Etidronic acid with Silver Nanoparticle: An Ex‐vivo study Dentistry 2082536 2023-24
16 Dr. Bhumika Patel Nirma University Hit to Lead Optimization of NCEs as Selective Poly (ADP‐ribose) Polymerase1 (PARP1) Inhibitors for the Treatment of Breast Cancer Cancer 4075856 2023-24
17 Dr. Jigar Shah Institute of Pharmacy Institute of Pharmacy,
Nirma University
Microneedle based nanoparticulate system of bioactive for treatment of diabetic retinopathy Diabetes 2482556 2023-24
18 Dr. Bhoomika Patel National Forensic Sciences University Clinical evaluation of effect of metronomic chemotherapy in cachexia associated with triple negative breast cancer Cancer 7013856 2023-24
19 Dr. Sharad Gupta IIT Gandhinagar
Ahmedabad University
Targeted Protein Degradation of TDP‐43: Target validation and development of therapeutics against Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cancer 4328072 2023-24
20 Dr. Anupama Modi Gujarat Technological University An integrative multi‐omics approach to the identification of Oral cancer biomarker(s) Diagnostics 5431856 2023-24
21 Dr. Reena Agrawal‐Rajput Institute of Advanced Research To Mitigate Antimicrobial Resistance and Antibiotic‐Induced Immunosuppression Using Biocompatible Lipid‐functionalized Ionic Liquid (BLIL): A Multifaceted Planetary Approach to Target‐the Pathogen, the Host and the Environment AMR 5395356 2023-24

Projects Sanctioned in Year 2022-23

Network Research Program on Bioremediation of Pollutants: A Circular Bioeconomy Approach

Sr. No. Principal Investigator Institute Project Title Broad Area Total Amount Sanctioned (INR) Year of Sanction
1 Prof. Superb K Misra IIT Gandhinagar Developing a reusable, customizable, and multifunctional Metal Organic Framework based prototype from metal scrap for remediation of contaminated water Bioremediaton 5602712 2022-23
2 Dr. Akshaya Padmakar Gupte Sardar Patel University Development of Laccase-based Biocatalytic Systems for Recalcitrant Micro- Pollutants Degradation from industrial wastewater Bioremediaton 4543224 2022-23
3 Dr. CK Sumesh CHARUSAT Wastewater remediation through electrochemical anodic oxidation using LDH- MXene Composites Bioremediaton 3525320 2022-23
Dr. Pratik M Pataniya
Dr. Divesh Srivastava CSIR-CSMCRI 1880320
4 Dr. Vaibhavkumar Nandkishor Mehta Navsari Agricultural University Development of eco-friendly optical probes for monitoring of important growth hormones and pesticides in agricultural soil Bioremediaton 2415320 2022-23
Dr. Sanjay Mohan Jha
Dr. Suresh Kumar Kailasa Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology 2312320
5 Dr. Parth Pandya Navrachana University Deciphering the effect of Toxicants in the Marine Sentinel Edible Species: A Biomonitoring Approach. Bioremediaton 2428725 2022-23
Dr. Ankita Doshi 1672524
Dr. Monisha Kottayi
6 Dr. Himanshu Bariya HNGU Development of Microbial consortia for effective Bioremediation of Dyes Bioremediaton 4209449 2022-23
Dr. Jignesh Trivedi
7 Dr. Chirayu Desai GBU Engineering hybrid biological systems for self-sustainable treatment of persistent mobile chemicals in common effluent treatment plant (CETP) wastewater Bioremediaton 5221224 2022-23
Dr. Varun Shah
Prof. Datta Madamwar CHARUSAT 2671320
Dr. Prasad Andhare
Dr. Venkata Mohan S CSIR-IICT 2909072
Dr. Sree Latha S
8 Dr. Pinkesh Sutariya SPU Bio insipred aggregation induced emission (AIE) calix [4]arene conjugates for pesticides and heavy metals from agricultural procedures: Electrochemical and paper based device Bioremediaton 2531725 2022-23
Dr. Alok Pandya IAR 339000
9 Dr. Sandeep Panda GBU Integrated Treatment of Lignite and Acid Mine Drainage for Remediation of Pollutants and Generation of Clean Coal, Bio-Methane and Bio-Composites: A Circular Bio-Economy Approach Bioremediaton 3736856 2022-23
Dr. Balaram Mohapatra GBU 2798106
Dr. Jagat Rathod GBU 2798106
Dr. Nilotpala Pradhan CSIR IIMT 2433856
Ms. Pallishree Prusti
10 Dr. Vikram H. Raval Gujarat University Scale up studies on bacterial remediation of dyes and heavy metals: a promising strategy for circular bio-economy Bioremediaton 6958712 2022-23
11 Dr. Harengiri Bharatgiri Gosai Indrashil University Bioremediation of PAHs in soil mesocosms through adaptive laboratory evolution of defined bacterial consortia isolated from Gujarat coastline Bioremediaton 3680356 2022-23
12 Dr. Tarun Kumar Sharma GBU Development of a point-of-care (POC) biosensor for the detection of organophosphate and carbamate pesticides in environmental samples Bioremediaton 5560224 2022-23
13 Dr. Mohammed Abdul Rasheed GERMI Bioremediation of Petroleum contaminated sites using novel bacterial species Bioremediaton 5715712 2022-23
14 Dr Gajendra Singh Vishwakarma Institute of Advanced Research Exploring beneficial microbe-embedded nanoparticles for textile wastewater remediation by improving the performance of MBRs Bioremediaton 2915120 2022-23
Dr. Alok Pandya
Dr. Narendra Kumar
Dr. Superb Misra IIT Gandhinagar 723200
15 Dr. Madhvi Joshi GBRC Establishing environmental surveillance of emerging pathogens and pollutants from Gujarat using multi-omics approaches Bioremediaton 13703510 2022-23
Dr. Varun Shah GBU 11297460

Network Research Program on Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati (Natural Farming) through Biotechnology Interventions

Sr. No. Principal Investigator Institute Project Title Broad Area Total Amount Sanctioned (INR) Year of Sanction
1 Dr. Kiran Rajput Gujarat University Evaluation of cow based preparations for plant growth promoting bacteria and scale up for field applications in natural farming Natural Farming 3872456 2022-23
Dr. Rakeshkumar R. Panchal
2 Dr. Himanshu Pandya Gujarat University Effect of Natural Farming in Long-Term Nutrient Management System on Yield, Quality and Soil Health in Millet and Mustard in North Gujarat Natural Farming 8994068 2022-23
Dr. Rakesh Rawal
Dr. Sudhanshu Jangir
3 Dr. Ashish Warghane Gujarat Technological University, Novel formulation, metagenome, biochemical and nutrient analysis of Jiwaamrit using biotechnology intervention Natural Farming 4585712 2022-23
Dr. Vaibhav Bhatt
Dr. B.A.Chopade Knowledge Resource Center Kanad, Nagpur
4 Dr. Darshankumar T. Dharajiya Gujarat Biotechnology Research Center Soil nutrients, enzyme activities and microbial community in natural farmingofcoostal and semi-arid agroecosystems of Gujarat Natural Farming 7841504 2022-23
Dr. Doongar R Chaudhary CSIR-CSMCRI 6111212
Dr. Mahendrakumar Chaudhary Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University 3518820
5 Dr. H. P. Gajera Junagadh Agricultural University Microbial and Meta-omics study on Biostimulants (Beejamrit, Dravajivamrit, Ghanajivamrit, Panchagavya, Saptdhanyankur Ark ,Gau Krupa Amrutam, Kunapajala, Saptdhanyankur Ark, Chhasamrit) and Biorationals (Neemastra, Agniastra, Bhramastra, Dashaparni Ark) Natural Farming 7447776 2022-23
Dr. M. V. Parakhia
Dr. S. B. Bhatt
6 Dr. Rajesh Patel VNSGU Exploration of traditional and alternative Natural farming input on conventional and vertical farming for economic and sustainable agriculture practice Natural Farming 6732712 2022-23
Dr. Anjana Ghelani Sarvajanik university Surat
Dr. Amit V. Mangrola Shri Alpesh. N. Patel P. G. Institute
7 Dr. Ashish D. Patel Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University Innovative Strategies to Utilise Natural Items to Increase Resistance Against Biotic and Abiotic Stress in Native Crops Natural Farming 7097024 2022-23
Dr. Himanshu Bariya Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University
8 Dr. Gangaram Chaudhary

Dr. Vishal Suthar
Kamdhenu University Augmenting reproductive efficiency of dairy animals through selected ethnobotanical preparations and biotechnology interventions. Natural Farming 3366356 2022-23
Dr. Chandrashekhar Mootapally

Dr. Neelam Nathani
Gujarat Technological University 3366356
9 Dr. Mrugesh H. Trivedi Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University A research study to standardize and validate the bio-based liquid/solid co-formulants (prepared using traditional knowledge) by microbial meta-genomics and metabolomic analysis for sustainable natural farming in the Kachchh district of Gujarat, India. Natural Farming 5570168 2022-23
Dr. Manish Kanwat ICAR -CAZRI, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kukma, Bhuj 1526856
10 Dr. Jagat Rathod

Dr. Balaram Mohapatra

Dr. K. G Patel

Dr. Imran Y. Pancha
Gujarat Biotechnology University Low-Budget Natural Farming (LBNF): Underpinning the Gujarat agro-climatic zones’ soil-specific natural farming practices for sustainable and climate resilient agriculture Natural Farming 6280712 2022-23
Dr. Amarchand Chordia Murugan

Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta

Dr. Pinal Vekariya
SRISTI 6280712
Dr. Sanjay Jha

Dr. K. G Patel

Dr. Pathik Patel

Dr. Harsur Jajda
Navsari Agriculture University 6280712
11 Mr. Sujit Kumar

Dr. Chirag M. Bhadesiya

Dr. Vivek Shrivastava
Polytechnic in Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University
Exploring the possibilities of natural farming-based technologies in aquaculture and its validation through biotechnological interventions Natural Farming 6280712 2022-23

Project Sanctioned in Year 2022-23

Sr. No. Principal Investigator Institute Project Title Broad Area Total Amount Sanctioned (INR) Year of Sanction

Dr. Shivangi Mathur & Dr. Saumya Patel

Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Development of microbial consortium for biodegradation of Biopolyethylene and assessment of Alk B gene expression among potential strains

Biocomposites & Biopolymers




Prof. Naga Prasad Puvvada

Indrashil University, Gandhinagar

Synthesis, characterization of mannose carbon nanoparticles as a potent immune-therapeutics regimen for ovarian cancer and Zirconium phosphate nano biocomposite films to enhance the success rate of bone implants in tissue engineering.

Biocomposites & Biopolymers




Dr.Shaishav Sharma


Development of cellulose and lignin based nano biocomposites from agrowaste

Biocomposites & Biopolymers




Dr. Ashish D Patel

HNGU, Patan

Synthesis, characterization and performance analysis of potato starch-based bioplastics using glycerol-sorbitol blend as a plasticizer

Biocomposites & Biopolymers




Prof.ParimalA Parikh

SVNIT, Surat

Catalytic Decomposition of Waste Biopolymers to Value-added Compounds

Biocomposites & Biopolymers




Dr.Mahesh Chhabria

L. M. College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad

Design, Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of ULK-1 Inhibitors: Discovery of a novel ULK-1 Inhibitor targeting autophagy and its combinatorial potential as anti-cancer therapeutic modality in breast cancer

Healthcare Biotechnology




Dr.Prasanna Sriram Mathad

Parul Uni.,Vadodara

Pharmaceutical, analytical and comparative effect study of Rajat Bhasma prepared by classical method & market available silver nano particles (AgNPs) for neuroprotective activity - an in vitro & in vivo study

Healthcare Biotechnology




Dr. Hetal Roy

MSU, Vadodara

Elucidate the role of folate in epigenetic regulation and prevention of neuroblastoma during early embryonic development

Healthcare Biotechnology




Dr.Devjani Banerjee

GSFC Uni.,Vadodara

To develop a strategy for drug repurposing studies to combat AMR using bioinformatics tools for alternative lead molecules focusing on inhibitor resistant tem (IRT) β-lactamase.

Healthcare Biotechnology



Dr. Himanshu Pandya PMC, Karamsad 4584356 2022-23

Dr. Jayesh Sheth

FRIGE, Ahmedabad

Deciphering genetic causes for severe forms of male infertility in India

Healthcare Biotechnology




Dr. Frenny Sheth

FRIGE, Ahmedabad

Detection and delineation of the role of complex structural variants in children with idiopathic non-syndromic autism spectrum disorder in India by long-read sequencing

Healthcare Biotechnology




Dr. Amit Shard

NIPER, Gandhinagar

Targeting Sweet Spot in Oral Cancer: Development of Novel Quinazolinones for Electrophillic Modification of Tumor Pyruvate Kinase M2

Healthcare Biotechnology




Dr. Ketan Ranch

L. M. College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad

Chitosan functionalized Gold nanoparticle/HEMA hybrid polymer networks laden contact lens for ocular drug delivery

Healthcare Biotechnology




Dr. Bhaskar Datta

IIT, Gandhinagar

Identification of RNA G-quadruplex structure in long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) dysregulated in ovarian cancer

Healthcare Biotechnology




Dr.Kartik Subramaniam

IIT, Gandhinagar

Photo-Cleavage Based Affinity Purification Towards the Development of Protein Based Therapeutics

Healthcare Biotechnology



16 Dr. Bragadish Dandapani Iyer Charotar University of Science and Technology Exopolysaccharide‐based biocomposites as specialty adhesives and binders for electronics applications Biocomposites & Biopolymers 3736856 2022-23
Dr. CK Sumesh
17 Dr. Harsha Prashant Soni Pramukh Swami Science and HDPatel Arts college Bioprospecting of marine bacteria for biopolymer production from food waste Biocomposites & Biopolymers 3567356 2022-23
Dr. Minal Janardan Trivedi
18 Dr. Padmaja Sudhakar Pamidimukkala The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Polyhydroxyalkanoate/ chitosan/ magnetite composite ‐ Synthesis , Characterization and potential Applications Biocomposites & Biopolymers 4600712 2022-23
Dr. Tarika Kumar
19 Dr. Devayani R Tipre Gujarat University Exploring marine bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA): An eco‐friendly alternate to minimize plastic waste Biocomposites & Biopolymers 3736856 2022-23
Dr. Harjinder Kaur
Dr. Devendra D Jhala
20 Dr. Jigna Samir Shah Institute of Pharmacy Nirma University Fabrication of Valacyclovir nanotherapeutics for brain targeting through nose to brain delivery: An effective approach for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease Healthcare Biotechnology 4753856 2022-23
Prof. Tejal Amit Mehta
21 Dr. Prakash Prabhakaran Pillai The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Role of long non‐coding RNAs found in glioblastoma‐derived extracellular vesicles
in microglial dysregulation: Possible implications for tumour immunosuppressive microenvironment and biomarker discovery
Healthcare Biotechnology 5431856 2022-23
22 Dr. Neeru Singh Institute of Advanced Research Design and Validation of miR200c Agomir as a novel combinatorial therapeutic strategy along with Olaparib against drug resistant BRCA1 mutated ovarian carcinomas Healthcare Biotechnology 4640856 2022-23
Dr. Shuvomoy Banerjee
23 Dr. Reena Agrawal-Rajput Institute of Advanced Research Evaluation of chemi‐vaccine candidate and novel ionic liquid based adjuvancy for improved efficacy against breast cancer Healthcare Biotechnology 6335856 2022-23
Dr. Roli Mishra
Dr. Sharad Gupta Indian Institute of Technology-Gandhinagar
Dr. Jigna Shah Nirma University
24 Dr. Bhuvan Pathak Ahmedabad University Development of polyunsaturated fatty acid rich groundnut cultivars using CRISPRCas9 gene editing Plant Biotechnology 8314712 2022-23
Dr. Subramanian Sankaranarayanan Indian Institute of Technology-Gandhinagar
25 Dr. Sudha Sahay Xavier Research Foundation Cultivation of Micractinium reisseri – a microalgae isolated from Vasna Barrage,
Ahmedabad for the enhancement of biofuel efficacy, wastewater treatment and valueadded production for commercial application
Advanced Biofuels 7468568 2022-23
Dr. Sanjukta Subudhi The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi
Dr. Dheeban Chakravarthi Kannan The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Navi Mumbai
26 Dr. Vimal Ramani Kamdhenu University Exploration of biofuel production from cyanobacterial biomass production from dairy effluent treatment Advanced Biofuels 15094712 2022-23
Dr. Pramod Wangikar


27 Dr. Sudheer Pamidimarri Gujarat Biotechnology University Wastewater to biofuel and bioproducts: Cyanobacterial biorefinery through a green circular bio-economy Advanced Biofuels 36098468 2022-23
Dr. Sangram Lenka
Dr. Chirayu Desai
Dr. Imran Pancha
Dr. Sandeep Panda
Prof. Pramod Wangikar

Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay

Dr. Bhavtosh Anilkumar Kikani

Charotar University of Science and Technology

Prof. Datta Madamwar
28 Dr. D Srinivas Murty Gujarat Vidyapith Anaerobic fermentation of starchy biomass food and vegetable waste to produce butyric acid and catalytically converting it to n-Butanol Biofuel Advanced Biofuels 6640956 2022-23
Dr. Mayur C Shah
Dr. Niraj T Sheth
Dr. Nikhil S Bhatt
29 Dr. Gaurav Mishra Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute Development of advanced biofuels and bio lubricants from high lipid producing microalgal strain through HTL and Co-HTL process Advanced Biofuels 13231568 2022-23
Dr. Shyamali Sarma
Dr. Saprativ Das
Prof. Kaustubha Mohanty

Indian Institute of Technology-Guwahati

30 Dr. Paresh Patel Uka Tarsadia University Design and Development of Bio-Nano-Composites from Renewable Resources: An Efficient Green Heterogeneous Catalyst with Industrial Applications Biocomposites & Biopolymers 2395320 2022-23
31 Dr. Vivek Tanavde Ahmedabad University Development of a nano-liposomal formulation for targeting chemo-resistant oral cancer stem cells Healthcare Biotechnology 3480572 2022-23
Dr. Dhiraj Bhatia

Indian Institute of Technology-Gandhinagar

32 Dr. Alok Pandya Institute of Advanced Research Design and development of fully integrated paper-fluidic DNA diagnostics chip for detection of bacterial diseases Healthcare Biotechnology 2133160 2022-23
Prof. Vaibhav Bhatt

Gujarat Technological University

33 Dr. Dhaval Patel Gujarat Biotechnology University Development of high-throughput drug repurposing pipeline for lead molecule identification against ESKAP Healthcare Biotechnology 4709532 2022-23
Dr. Chinmayi Joshi

Sankalchand Patel University

Project Sanctioned in Year 2021-22

Non-AMR Projects

Sr. No. Principal Investigator Institute Project Title Broad Area Total Amount Sanctioned (INR) Year of Sanction

Dr.Sonal Rajiv Bakshi

Nirma University, Ahmedabad

Combination of Chimeric IL-15 and recombinant IL-12 as Immunotherapy for Lung Cancer and Colon Cancer

Healthcare Biotechnology




Prof.Kiran Kalia

The National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Ahmedabad (NIPER-A), Gandhinagar

Characterization of Transcriptional Landscape and Its Functional Role in Gingivo- Buccal Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma for Targeted Drug Discovery

Healthcare Biotechnology




Dr.Heena Vatsalbhai Dave

Nirma University, Ahmedabad

Therapeutic Targeting of Androgen Receptor as a biomarker to improve the clinical outcomes of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Healthcare Biotechnology




Dr.Suresh Balakrishnan

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara

Jagged1 overexpression as a potential strategy to ameliorate dystrophic pathology in Zebrafish model of DMD

Healthcare Biotechnology



Network Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs and One Health

Sr. No. Principal Investigator Institute Project Title Broad Area Total Amount Sanctioned (INR) Year of Sanction
1 Dr. Neeta Khandelwal B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad Lead AMR Node Health 60253120 2021-22
2 Dr. Bithika Duttaroy Medical College, Vadodara AMR Node Health
3 Dr. Kairavi Joshi Medical College, Bhavanagar AMR Node Health
4 Dr. Gaurav Shrimali GMERS, Gandhinagar AMR Node Health
5 Dr. Saummaiya Mullan Medial College, Surat AMR Node Health
6 Dr. Devarshi Gajjar M. S. University, Vadodara AMR Node Health
7 Dr. Jayshree Pethani NHL Medical College, Ahmedabad AMR Node Health
8 Prof. Rakesh Rawal Gujarat University, Ahmedabad AMR Node Health
9 Dr. Amit Kanani Department of Animal Husbandary, GoG Lead AMR Node Veterinary 42907840 2021-22
10 Dr. Arunkumar Patel Kamdhenu University, SDAU Campus AMR Node Veterinary
11 Dr. Vishal Suthar Kamdhenu University, Gandhinagar AMR Node Veterinary
Dr. Shrinivas Murthy Gujarat Vidhyapith, Ahmedabad AMR Node Veterinary
12 Dr. Vimal Ramani College of Dairy Science, Amreli AMR Node Veterinary
13 Dr. Sujit Kumar Kamdhenu University, PGIFER, Himmatnagar AMR Node Fisheries
14 Dr Rajesh Patel Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat Lead AMR Node Environment 42907840 2021-22
15 Dr Santaasabuj Das National Institute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad AMR Node Environment
16 Dr. Devesh Suthar M. S. University, Baroda AMR Node Environment
17 Dr. Chirayu R. Desai Gujarat Biotechnology University, Gandhinagar AMR Node Environment
18 Dr. Chandrashekar Mootapally Gujarat Technological Univeriuty, Ahmedabad AMR Node Environment
19 Director GBRC, Gandhinagar Sequencing Node Sequencing & Biobanking 37924800 2021-22

Project Sanctioned in Year 2020-21

Sr. No. Principal Investigator Institute Project Title Broad Area Total Amount Sanctioned (INR) Year of Sanction
1 Dr. Reena Rajput Institute of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar Repositioning Doxycycline as Anti-Cancer Therapy and Exploring its Synergy with extracellular ATP manipulation in Breast Cancer: Pre-Clinical and Early Clinical Exploration Healthcare Biotechnology 5258836 2020-21
2 Dr. Debjani Chakraborty M S University of Baroda Rational Design Of Photolabile Ruthenium (Ii) Complexes For Photoinduced Drug Delivery In Breast Cancer Cells Healthcare Biotechnology 2983840 2020-21
3 Dr. Akhilesh Prajapati GSFC University, Vadodara Characterziation of cancer stem cells and exploring miRNAs as therapeutic potential to induce breast cancer stem cells death Healthcare Biotechnology 4290216 2020-21
4 Dr. Asha Shankarbhai Patel Parul Institute of Pharmacy, Parul University Development of Surface functionalized Carfilzomib loaded Protein Nanoparticle as Biotherapeutics for the treatment of ovarian cancer Healthcare Biotechnology 2492500 2020-21
5 Dr. Ramesh Pandit Kailash Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Muni Seva Ashram, Goraj Molecular Biomarker Identification in Oral Cancers patients resistant to Cisplatin therapy Healthcare Biotechnology 6215000 2020-21
6 Dr. Karla Patricia IIT Gandhinagar Evaluating oral cancer lesions using quantitative ultrasound and elasticity imaging Healthcare Biotechnology 2680080 2020-21
7 Dr. Arun Patel Kamdhenu University Surveillance of Covid-19 in non-human hosts Healthcare Biotechnology (COVID-19) 2228400 2020-21
8 Dr. Pravin Dudhagara Veer Narmad South Gujarat University Rapid surveillance and monitoring of the SARS-Coronavirus-2 in municipal sewage sample Healthcare Biotechnology (COVID-19) 962862 2020-21
9 Dr. Dhaval Patel Institute of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar Identification and validation of potential phytochemicals against proteases (3CLpro/Mpro) of SARS-CoV-2 using combined computational and experimental tools Healthcare Biotechnology (COVID-19) 1122543 2020-21
10 Dr. Dhiraj Bhatia IIT Gandhinagar DNA programmed, microfluidic devices as cost-effective, high-throughput point-of-care diagnostic platforms for covid19 detection Healthcare Biotechnology (COVID-19) 1469000 2020-21
11 Dr. Ravi Vijayvargia M S University of Baroda Development of aptamer based high sensitivity assays for detection of SARSCoV-2 antigen and antibodies Healthcare Biotechnology (COVID-19) 2149600 2020-21
12 Dr. Abhisekh Sharma Uka Tarsadia University Development of resistant varieties of fennel against fungal diseases via gene editing methodologies Plant Biotechnology 1499686 2020-21
13 Dr. Gopal Jee Gopal Uka Tarsadia University Production of Recombinant Enzyme for degradation of Plastic (Polyethylene Terephthalate). Environmental Biotechnology 1499686 2020-21
14 Dr. Madhuri Narra SPRERI, V V Nagar Development of a sustainable process for production of value-added products (high purity cellulose and fibers) from agricultural residues for industrial applications Environmental Biotechnology 3051837 2020-21
15 Dr. Falgun Patel
Dr. Dilip Khemiji Jani
Directorate of AYUSH, GoG
Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar
Networking Program on Validation of Ayurvedic formulations for COVID 19 through BT Interventions Healthcare Biotechnology (COVID-19) 1640921 2020-21
16 Dr. Ranjan Khunt Saurashtra University Networking Program on Validation of Ayurvedic formulations for COVID 19 through BT Interventions Healthcare Biotechnology (COVID-19) 1333843 2020-21
17 Dr. Padamnabhi Nagar M S University of Baroda Networking Program on Validation of Ayurvedic formulations for COVID 19 through BT Interventions Healthcare Biotechnology (COVID-19) 2374400 2020-21
18 Dr. Rakesh Rawal Gujarat University Networking Program on Validation of Ayurvedic formulations for COVID 19 through BT Interventions Healthcare Biotechnology (COVID-19) 1640760 2020-21
19 Dr. Rajesh Patel Veer Narmad South Gujarat University Networking Program on Validation of Ayurvedic formulations for COVID 19 through BT Interventions Healthcare Biotechnology (COVID-19) 1516343 2020-21
20 Prof. C. G. Joshi Gujarat Biotechnology Research Center Networking Program on Validation of Ayurvedic formulations for COVID 19 through BT Interventions Healthcare Biotechnology (COVID-19) 1000000 2020-21

Project Sanctioned in Year 2019-20

Sr. No. Principal Investigator Institute Project Title Broad Area Total Amount Sanctioned (INR) Year of Sanction
01 Dr. Hemangini Vora Gujarat Cancer Research Institute Transcriptome profiling to identify biomarkers for better management of tongue cancer Healthcare Biotechnology 3996584 2019-20
02 Dr. Hemangini Vora Gujarat Cancer Research Institute Development of miRNA profiling based signatures of potential clinical relevance in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Healthcare Biotechnology 4484988 2019-20
03 Dr. Debjani Bagchi The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Using lignocellulosic biomass for microalgal growth to produce useful products such as lipid and carotenoids Environmental Biotechnology 1827336 2019-20
04 Dr. Sunil Kumar Singh The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Development of tissue culture methods for large-scale clonal propagation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and molecular assessment of clonal fidelity of micropopagated plants Plant Biotechnology 2970174 2019-20
05 Dr. Madhvi Joshi
Dr. Anirban Dasgupta
Gujarat Biotechnology Resea4rch Center Multi-omic analysis to identify biomarkers to demarcate oral cancer and healthy tissue for margin clearance Healthcare Biotechnology 8998240 2019-20
06 Dr. Paresh N Patel UKA Tarsadia University Development of Biotechnology Mediated Substainable nanocatalyst: Green Approach in Industrial Waste Treatment Environmental Biotechnology 1644186 2019-20
07 Dr. Sreeja V
Dr. Tejal Gandhi
Anand Agricultural University, Anand Development of probiotic dietary preparation for prevention and treatment of obesity Healthcare Biotechnology 2391868 2019-20
08 Dr. Rakesh Rawal
Dr. Madhvi Joshi
Gujarat University To establish 3D organoid culture of human cancer stem cells for developing predictive models in oral cancer and breast cancer Healthcare Biotechnology 3409280 2019-20
09 Dr. Frenny Sheth FRIGE Identification of de Novo mutation and copy number variation in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Healthcare Biotechnology 2999680 2019-20
10 Dr. Jayesh Sheth
Dr. Madhvi Joshi
FRIGE Development of a low-cost and high-throughput targeted next generation sequencing assay for diagnosis of Lysosomal Storage Disorders in India Healthcare Biotechnology 4924184 2019-20
11 Prof. A. N. Pathak Parul University Strain Development of Fungal Isolates for High Cellulase Activity for Biomass Saccharification Environment/ Industrial Biotechnology 3000000 2019-20
12 Dr. Sarat K. Dalai Nirma University Studying the Immune Adjuvant potential of Chimeric IL-15 Healthcare Biotechnology 4948216 2019-20
Prof. C. G. Joshi Gujarat Biotechnology Research Center Establishing Genomic Selection Network for Dairy Cattle and Buffalo Breeds in Gujarat Animal Biotechnology 261114018 2019-20

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