Biotech Park - Savli, Vadodara
The Government of Gujarat through its nodal agency Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM) & Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) are setting up a Biotechnology Park at Savli Industrial Estate at Vadodara. The proposed Park would be developed
as a Public-Private Venture in an area of about 700 acres in three phases. The proposed Park would endeavour to address the biotech industry’s need for specialized infrastructure and thereby encourage new biotech enterprises, drive life sciences research,
accelerate commercialization of new technologies, enable biotech organisations to forge alliances and enhance competitiveness of biotech companies located in the State.
Hence, a Biotech Park of world-class standards has been envisaged in proximity to an academia of repute and right admist a very vibrant Biotech cluster of Vadodara.
Advantage Vadodara
- Well established Network of Academic Institutes
- Existing cluster of Biopharma Companies
- Hub for Commercial Activities
- Excellent Support Infrastructure (Social & Urban)
Advantage Savli
- Proximity to Vadodara
- 8 Km from
Vadodara Ahmedabad Express Highway - Mumbai NH-8
- 14 Km from Vadodara Airport and
- 20 Km from Vadodara Railway Station
- Dedicated zone within the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) Industrial Estate located at Manjusar, Savli
- Well connected by roadways
- Presence of Support Infrastructure
- 1.5 hour drive from Ahmedabad International Airport
Envisaged Project Contours
The proposed Park would provide plug and play R&D infrastructure in the form of modern modular wet laboratories and also developed independent plots for manufacturing facilities of international standards and common facilities such as animal house facilities,
amenity centre equipped state-of-the-art business facilities etc.
- Phase I
~ 100 acres with an area of ~ 36 acres of SEZ region and ~ 17.5 acres of Biotech Incubator & Common Equipment Library, etc. facilities
- Phase II
~ 123 acres and Phase III = ~ 494 acres being developed on Public-Private Partnership mode
Blueprint of the Park – Phase I

Progress So far
The GoG, with help of professional advisors, who helped in conceptualization of the development model for the Biotech Park, has, following International Competitive Bidding and through the processes of Request for Qualification (RFQ) and Request for Proposal
(RFP) has identified Private Partner for the Park. The Private Partner has also formed a Special Purpose Vehicle [SPV] – Joint Venture Company for the same purpose.
The entire needed infrastructure for Phase I of the Savli Biotech Park has been developed by GIDC, and GSBTM has been marketing land for the Phase I of Savli Biotech Park. The Government has directed GIDC to allot land within Savli Biotech Park Phase I to eligible
Biotech Units, on appropriate recommendation from GSBTM. However, the land for Phase II of Savli Biotech Park has been transferred to the SPV and the SPV has initiated development on Phase II land. The land in Savli Biotech Park is being allotted on long term
lease to anchor tenants/tenants of the Park.
Environment Clearance
As a step towards facilitation to the Biotech Units of the Biotech Park, this office had undertaken for the entire Savli Biotech Park (all three phases), Rapid Environment Impact Assessment (REIA) studies, applied for No-Objection Certificate from Gujarat
Pollution Control Board [GPCB], undertook an Environment Public Hearing as prescribed by GPCB, presented the case before the Expert Committee at the Ministry of Environment & Forests [MoEF], Govt. of India [GoI] and finally availed
MoEF, GoI vide letter # 21-67/2007-IA.III, dtd: 2nd September, 2008 as well as
NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE/CONSENT TO ESTABLISH [CTE] vide letter # GPCB/NOC-VRD-2788/53251, dtd:9th June, 2010 from the
Gujarat Pollution Control Board [GPCB].
Infrastructure Development
The Phase I of the Park has been developed by GIDC at an approximate cost of INR 9 crores and marketed by GSBTM. Phase I of Savli Biotech Park is equipped with basic infrastructure including four lane and double lane road, foot path with concrete block paving
and curbing, R.C.C. storm water drain, water supply distribution system, compound wall and entrance gates, electrical works including street light, open natural water way etc.
SEZ Notification
concurrence to the request from the Biotech Units, the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation [GIDC], as the developer along with GSBTM [as co-developer] proposed an area of about 38 acres as SEZ. The Ministry of Commerce & Industry [MoCI], Govt. of India
[GoI] has accorded approval and has also notified the proposed area as BIOTECH SEZ vide letter # KASAZ/P&C/5/88/2007/375, dtd: 27th February, 2010
Thinking of a Biotech Project in Savli Biotech Park...?
The state government had initiated offering land in Savli Biotech Park since April-May 2006 vide the Pre-launch Land Allotment Offer for Phase I. The entire needed infrastructure for Phase I of the Savli Biotech Park has been developed by GIDC, and GSBTM
has been marketing land for the Phase I of Savli Biotech Park. Currently, most of the land in Phase I has been either allotted, or recommended or under processing (shaded portions in the accompanying picture).
Eligible Biotech Units desirous of establishing their Biotech Project in the Phase I of Savli Biotech Park need to apply in the format prescribed by GIDC (Please add the application fee at the time of submission of the form) along with prescribed Application
Scrutiny fees (see Pg. 4 of the Application Form for the prescribed Application Scrutiny Fee) in the form of
Demand Draft drawn over a Nationalized Bank payable at Gandhinagar and in favour of Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission [GSBTM].
- Download Application Form
MB) (Pl. add application fee at the time of submission)