Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors' Summit 2013
Socio-Economic progress is being driven by knowledge based economy. And biotechnology, as fastest growing sector, has emerged as tool of promise and potential. India, figuring 12th in global ranking and 3rd in Asia Pacific, is poised to become preferable
destination for BT investments. Each state, with its characteristic strength, is projecting India at global forum.
Government of Gujarat, in conformity with national efforts, has been organizing
Vibrant Gujarat: Global Investor Summit every two years, for bringing fore the enormous investment potential in Gujarat and to accelerate the rate of FDI and domestic investment in Gujarat and there by in India.
Biotechnology has been identified as a prospective sector for investment in Gujarat, during Vibrant Gujarat events conducted earlier. The successful summits have given boost and encouragement to the sector. Like the preceding events, Biotechnology is one of
the key sectors in the vibrant Gujarat: Global Investor Summit-2011. In conformity with spirit of collaboration and facilitating partnerships, GSBTM has collaborated with ABLE to jointly hold the event Bio-Invest as biotechnology seminar and under the umbrella
of Vibrant Gujarat 2011.
This program marks the partnership between two brand events Bio-invest & Vibrant Gujarat. Bio-Invest is a flagship national event of ABLE & biotechnology. since last 6 years it has been hosted at Mumbai, financial capital of India. Vibrant Gujarat –Global investor
summit, is globally branded event of the state and has been conducted since last 9 years. Both the events focus on investment and business. For the first time this event has been shifted from Mumbai to Ahmedabad. It has been a consequence of mutual efforts
that Bio-invest was brought to and hosted by GSBTM, DST, in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, under the umbrella of vibrant Gujarat- 2011. The objective of Bio-Invest was to provide an annual platform to biotech industries, bankers and investors from the country to discuss
the issues pertaining to development and growth of biotechnology. The program had key presence of Secretary Department of biotechnology Government of India who spoke on Biotech Vision 2020. MD, reliance Life Science which is into stem cell cord blood, molecular
medicines, shared his views on newer Paradigms in Biotech business. Shri Ravi saxena, IAS & ACS DST, govt of Gujarat gave his presentation on status of biotechnology in Gujarat.
The program included 3 panel sessions on “Investment opportunities in Biotech “ The excitement, driving Force & the Players” , Building a successful Biotech Industry on Innovation and Globalization, Emerging technology; Newer Horizons of Business, Capital Markets
and strategizing Biotech Business. There was a dedicated discussion on Gujarat focusing on “Government Initiatives and Investors perspective”.
The event had strong and powerful presence of speakers and penal members. The speaker and panel members included 9 experts from capital market, Private equity, venture fund manager, investment bankers, 18 representatives from
BT industries,
4 state representatives and 5 consultants. Venture Intelligence, SBI capital markets, Kotal Privayte equity, Orbimed Fund Advisors, GVFL, Welcome Trust, Anand Rathi group, Antique Stock broking, Avendus Capital pvt
Ltd, Biocon Pvt Ltd, Advinus Therapeutics Pvt Ltd, Strand Genomcis, Ocimum Bio-sciences, Evolva Biotech, Monsanto Pvt Ltd, Serum institute of India, Stemcyte inc. USA, Metahelix Pvt Ltd, Medipolis GMP, VEEDA Pvt ltd, Concord Biotech, Amrita Therapeutics, SPAN
The event also launched a short documentary on Biotechnology in Gujarat. The event saw a special message from Dr Kiran Shaw Mazumdar, CEO Biocon. The event witnessed participation from nearly 100 biotech companies. Around 60 companies were from outside Gujarat,
mainly from Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore. Nearly 40 companies from Gujarat also participated.
The key personalities included, Dr Subraniam, CEO reliance Life Science, Dr Vijai Chandru, CEO , Strand Genomics, Dr Rashmi Barbhaiya, MD, Advinus therapeutics, Mrs AnuAcharya, CEO & MD, Ocimum Bio-solutions, Dr SD Ravekkar, Director Serum Institute of India,
Dr K.K Narayanan, MD, Metahelix Life Sciences, Dr Arun Chandawarkar COO Biocon, Mr Amit Rathi, from Anand Rathi group. P.M Murli evolva Biotech.
The event also included award of best students team for DBT run program of Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Students Team program (BEST). It aims at encouraging young post graduates and doctoral students in developing Biotechnology entrepreneurship and commercialization
of Bio-science. 34 participants representing 6 Teams from IIT Mumbai, ISc Bangalore, IBB Pune, Madurai kamraj University, RGCB Trivendrum, who have been selected from different institutes and states, through nation wide competition and who have been mentored
by network linkages, also made their presentation. Prizes were given to the team. Best team was awarded the prizes.